媒体联系人:科迪赫夫纳, (513)608-5777; chefner@smallarcher.com

假日结 opens with a milestone at 辛辛那提博物馆中心


辛辛那提——假期又回来了 辛辛那提博物馆中心 (CMC). 的 杜克能源假日列车 continue to evoke childlike wonder in kids of all ages as they celebrate their 75th year. 定制乐高积木的暴风雪又回来了, featuring whimsical scenes and characters from your favorite books and movies. Historic trains and new technology fill the galleries with moments of winter wonder. And Santa is feeding his reindeer and prepping his sleigh for a trip to the tristate. 回忆等着我们一起去创造.

门票 假日枢纽以杜克能源假日列车为特色 are limited and timed entry is required, so reserve yours in advance at smallarcher.com/holiday-junction. 票 are $10 each or $5 when added to any other museum experience.

自1946年以来, families have gathered to watch as miniature locomotives and railcars zip around snowbanks and crowded streets. 的y’ve pored over the scenes of people dragging home freshly-cut trees, pushing cars up snow-covered hills and crowding the rail station. 今年, adults will once again bend down to share the same eye-level views they remember from their childhood and hoist a new generation onto their shoulders for a fresh look at a Cincinnati holiday tradition. Children who grew up visiting the trains downtown now bring their grandchildren to see the same trains at 辛辛那提博物馆中心. Generations can even reminisce together over an interactive storybook featuring photos of the iconic trains over the decades.

年复一年, 十年又十年, generation after generation the 杜克能源假日列车 have delighted families during the holidays,伊丽莎白·皮尔斯说, 总统 & 辛辛那提博物馆中心首席执行官. “Some people will fall in love with the trains for the first time this year, 其他人是第75次了, but for everyone we are delighted to once again stoke the fires and send this beloved holiday tradition along their 1,为过去和现在的几代人提供了1000英尺的轨道.”

的 杜克能源假日列车 are surrounded by other incredible train layouts, 有些可以追溯到100多年前. 在卡莱尔 & Finch Company, based in Cincinnati, produced the world’s first toy electric train in 1896. 他们1904年的版本还算过得去 假日结, showcasing meticulous craftsmanship and detail in its metal trains, cars, buildings and bridges. Nearby is a pre-World War II Lionel layout and a Lionel Super O layout from the 1960s, complete with ready-made structures designed to complement the O-scale trains.

砖瓦城又回来了, a blizzard of LEGO bricks crafted into fantastical scenes from the magical worlds of Disney, 奇迹, DC漫画, 哈利波特和更多. 的 whimsical display is a seek and find treat surrounding a stunning LEGO metropolis complete with running trains, 活跃的海岸和当地居民的狂欢.

说到寻找和发现, a holiday scavenger hunt featuring CMC-themed objects hidden in the garden railway layout begs you to walk around, 睁大你的眼睛,仔细搜寻飞猪的每一个细节, 北极熊, 更多的藏在雪山里.


当然,没有一个节日是完整的拜访圣诞老人. 圣诞老人将在星期五隆重到来, November 26 aboard a historic firetruck courtesy of the Cincinnati Fire Museum. 不管你在哪个名单上, he’ll be sitting by his fireplace eager to hear what you want for the holidays or ready for you to plead your case. 他的肚子会抖得像碗里装满了果冻 公共着陆 毗邻假日枢纽.

经典OMNIMAX® 电影《网上赌搏网站十大排行》回归

甚至是全尺寸电影® 剧院 is turning into a winter wonderland as the classic film 落基山快车 takes you on an immersive journey through the rugged beauty of the Canadian Rockies aboard a historic steam locomotive.

假日枢纽以杜克能源假日列车为特色 将开放到2022年1月3日. 工作时间是上午10点.m. 到下午4点.m.,星期四至星期一,并有选择的延长时间.

票 are $10 each for adults and children or $5 with the purchase of any other museum experience. CMC会员免费入场. 门票有限,所以一定要提前预订. 网上赌搏网站十大排行 smallarcher.com/holiday-junction 查询更多详情及特殊假期时间.


辛辛那提博物馆中心 (CMC) at 结合终端 is a nationally recognized, award-winning institution housed in a National Historic Landmark. CMC is a vital community resource that sparks curiosity, inspiration, epiphany and dialogue. CMC was awarded the 2009 National Medal for Museum and Library Service from the Institute of Museum and Library Services and received accreditation from the American Alliance of Museums in 2012, one of a select few museums in the nation to receive both honors. CMC内的组织包括 辛辛那提历史博物馆, 自然历史博物馆 & 科学, 儿童博物馆, 罗伯特D. 林德纳家庭影院® 剧院, 辛辛那提历史图书馆和档案馆盖尔收藏与研究中心. Housed in historic 结合终端 – a National Historic Landmark restored in 2018 and recognized as the nation’s 45th most important building by the American Institute of Architects – CMC welcomes more than 1.8 million visits annually, making it one of the most visited museums in the country. 欲了解更多信息,请网上赌搏网站十大排行 gda.smallarcher.com.

的 $85 million Champion More Curiosity campaign is shaping 辛辛那提博物馆中心’s future while creating generations of critical thinkers to power the innovation of our region. By Championing More Curiosity and helping build the future of 辛辛那提博物馆中心, 你们可以推动我们地区的经济繁荣. Champion More Curiosity will build or reimagine over a dozen permanent exhibits and galleries and equip state-of-the-art labs for cutting-edge research for students from elementary grades to post-docs. 今天睁大眼睛的探索者将是明天的创新者. We work shoulder-to-shoulder to engage our community in monumental moments of epiphany, 奇迹和联系. 因为我们激励着每一代人去学习, 在辛辛那提博物馆中心茁壮成长, 我们支持更多的好奇心. Consider making a lifelong impact by donating in support of Championing More Curiosity at www.supportcmc.org.